Wednesday, May 27, 2009

A Clean Sweep

What is so far known as the year of hope for the economic downturn, the year 2009 also turned out to be the ray of hope for the females. So far it has been the golden year for girls as they negated the general belief of boys being superior to them. Whether it was CBSE examination, getting into administrative services or acquiring a seat in parliament; Girls outperformed Boys.

While Girls outshined boys acquiring higher pass percentage than boys in the CBSE XII examination, they did better even among high scorers. More number of girls scored above 90% than boys. Eventually, the toppers were also mostly girls. Not to forget this year’s Civil services result where Girls were again on a topping spree. The first three toppers were all girls and out of the top 25, 18 were girls. This time the parliament will also accommodate highest number of women MP’s elected for 15th Lok Sabha i.e. 61, highest since independence. Acquiring the highest position in the apex of management was also easy going for women like Chanda Kochhar and Shikha Sharma being appointed as MD & CEO for ICICI Bank and Axis Bank respectively.

These results definitely wipe the illusion prevalent in the Indian society about the girls being weak or inferior. We see that urban girls are now offered an open lifestyle and stand tall with the boys. However, in my opinion, the need of the hour is to provide support to rural females. It is high time that we must not just exaggerate the achievement but take it differently to perceive more optimizing results in the future.

1 comment:

  1. Hi. I've written on this very topic, "Why do girls outperform boys in board exams ?"

    It is a researched article on the pheomenon.

    Thank you.
